Cool down to lock down: do 8 positives in covid-19 season......

Get up on right time

According to research, people in the morning may be more engaged and all parts of body will react his ideas very positive, because getting up early gives them more time to prepare for the day , so all motivaters and trainers say that everyone should proclaim as I am the hero. Also, if you have kids at home, this is a good time to throw away some extra work.

Get on with your passion

Everyone has a special passion; someone has in creating craft materials or painting. Sometimes, you just have try to make something beautiful and creative with your hands flowerpots with bottles and so many students they show their crafts. Make some tree decorations; sew something, or mats for you front door.

Cook something different

In our work time we have delicious foods or cooking in our mind but our work didn’t help or cooperate with us. Did you know that after a holiday-rich meal, you want something that is not fried with veggies, cheese and wine?everyone have different choices of meals some has Indian ,some thai some Mexican and European meals. Make that food now; Whether it’s a delicious curry or a spicy fry, your taste buds will thank you.

Train your kids with origami

This Japanese art of folding paper can create beautiful and interesting faces of animals. Such competition has conducted in our schools and colleges. This is a good opportunity for kids that will sharpen their concentration and problem solving skills and creativity. So, take out the old newspapers and magazines you don't need and give .

Chat with old friends

You can call to your old friends and chat to recall your memories .you can use communicative and creative method using zoom app, whatsap , skype . you Call, text, email chat with your friends and family. Your wish to connect to your friend doesn’t lose your confidence of good must try to continue your contacts and relationships with old friends. Research has shown that social support can help you cope better with stress.

Set up a special place

The most important thing, you must find a fresh and clean place to deal your contacts and readings.It is important to set yourself up in a place where you can concentrate, says, Create a clean workplace because you can easily lose focus in a messy place.

Make our home a Greenland

According to the research, the planting in home gives us the good healthy vegetables and fruits without any toxins. The studies evaluate that making a home garden boost our productivity and concentration skill. It reduces our tensions and mind stress, it will our air by cleaning and increasing humidity.

Keep pets better

The keeping pets and poultry activities will give you good ,fresh eggs .you can save your food wastes by feeding them your kitchen wastes and other things. The droppings of pets will use as garden making fertilizer and other agricultural works.

Set your activities to goals

The studies found that working from home needs to assist and maintain different skills to resist and acheive our goals. We must have a goal in all activities, because the activitiy without a aim or goal reaches to non benefit and wasting our time and health.setting goal always is fist and important thing, it will give us good outcome. All best and famous personalities reached their high level by making goal.
Edward Locke and Gary Latham (1990) are pioneers in objective setting hypothesis. As indicated by their examination, objectives not just influence conduct just as occupation execution, yet they additionally help assemble vitality which prompts a higher exertion in general.

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